Non-Archimedean stochastic processes.

Andrei Khrennikov
International Center for Mathematical Modeling in Physics and Cognitive Sciences, MSI, University of Växjö, S-35195, Sweden
Sergei Ludkovsky
Institute of General Physics, Moscow, 119991 GSP-1, Russia
We define and investigate stochastic processes on topological vector spaces over non-Archimedean fields with transition measures having values in non-Archimedean fields [1]. The basic result of this paper is the non-Archimedean analog of the Kolmogorov theorem that gives the possibility to construct wide classes of stochastic processes by using finite dimensional probability distributions. The analogous of Markov and Poisson processes are studied. For Poisson processes the corresponding Poisson measures are considered and the non-Archimedean analog of the Lèvy theorem is proved.

  1. A. Yu. Khrennikov, p-adic valued distributions in mathematical physics. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1994).