Arthritis Psoriatica: there is hope!

The aim of this story is to reach as much as possible
people who suffer daily from pain in their fingers, knees etc.
as a consequence of the desease called Arthritis Psoriatica(AP).
In most of the texts I red the main message is: you have
to live with the pain and the best weapons to fight AP are

The message I want to bring to you is: there is a change that if
you suffer from AP, your live can improve dramatically
, not by taking
medicines, or following vague alternative procedures, but just by avoiding
to eat several things !
So it will not cost you anything, nor it will damage
any of your organs.

Although I am not a medical doctor (in fact I am a professor of
mathematics at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands),
I think the story I have experienced with my wife, who also has AP,
is certainly worth to read and I hope that scientific research
will be carried out in the future, to support the phenomena
described below.

How it started

It was around 1999 that my wife Sandra started to suffer from pain in
her knees and hands. Several visits to our (very competent) family
doctor did not help much.
In the meantime she started to get swollen hands and fingers
and also walking became more painful. It was impossible for her to
dress herself and many other routine things became more and more painful,
difficult and finally impossible.
Then in June 2001 we decided to go to rheumatologist, where she was
diagnosted to have AP. The doctor explained to us that we had a choice
to fight this desease: we could choose between drug A and drug B.
However, he also told us that both drugs were not to good for the liver.
Since my wife also suffers from Epilepsy, for which she is taking drugs
over more than 40 years, we were not very happy with this choice.
We decided to think it over and first to go on holliday. Just one day
before we went on vacation I told my Ph.D student Stefan Maubach about the
bad news we just heard for my wife. He told me that his mother, Trudie,
also suffered from AP and that he would tell her, because she had been
experimenting since several years with the influence of food on AP.

Trudies letter

In the begining of August 2001 I returned to my work and found in my
mailbox a letter from Trudie, written June 2001, in which she explains how she
has lived with AP without the use of any drug, namely by following a kind
of diet she figured out over the last 3-4 years. In particular her letter
contained a list of so-called "forbidden E-numbers".
This letter turned out to be a turning point in our life: within 3 weeks the
swellings in the hands and the feet of my wife started to disappear,
no more pain !! She could dress herself again and do all the
usual things which she could not do anymore since several months!!
 Since that time my wife very seriously follows Trudies diet and
avoids to eat food containing the forbidden E-numbers. She is still doing OK.
However if for example we eat in a restaurant we cannot control the situation:
very soon my wife can get slight swellings again, which however disappear soon
when she eats healthy again the next days.

 Now follows a translation of Trudies letter and diet (originally
in dutch). Eveything which follows now is written by her.

"My father suffered from arthritis and although he always did what the doctors
prescribed him, he was declaired completely disabled when he was 55. Alround the time
that he was 60 he needed a wheelchair. He had thick swollen fingers and thick feet.
From the side-effects of the medicines he got bleedings in his intestines
and problems with his kidneys.


\noindent I am now 55 and have arthritis psoriatica. I dont want to take
pills and discovered more or less by accident that, by using a diet,
my condition can be improved much. From the library I borrowed
various books related to this subject. For example.................
by Bircher-Benner and..................... and some others.
It became clear, that one has to avoid everything which causes an
effect of acidification in the body. Several of the books contradicted each other.
After experimenting a lot I have made a list to make things clear for myself.
I have discussed my list with a physician who is specialist in natural
treatment. She advised me not to eat beef and cowmilk products.


\noindent In the beginning it was difficult: the list with "forbidden"
products was long and the fist days I could barely survive. In fact the
complaints became worse. However after one week I started to get control
over the situation and after two weeks the pain in my joints got less.
I keep having one weak spot: I cannot without coffee, but that is a
charming addiction, isn't it ?


\noindent It is now 3 years and a half that I am busy with my diet. Here is
the decission you have to make: do I want to take pills the rest of
my life(!), or do I want the restrictions of a (healthy) diet ?
I have chosen for the last option. Side-effects: in these three years I lost 5
kilo's ! In the beginning I took every day one capsule with 200 mg magnesium.
My condition is excellent: I go every week to aerobics or fitness.
I use my bicycle every day, jump out of my bed topfit every day and
recently on the wedding of my daugther I danced the whole night.


\noindent A good advice: Dont eat to little, because it will
make yo moody.


\noindent Kerkrade, June 2001


\noindent Trudie Maubach-van Iersel.

\section{A Diet for Rheumatism}

All food which is very acid or becomes acid in the body has to be avoided as
much as possible.


\noindent \textbf{Forbidden}: sugar, wine-vinegar, E 621, chocolate, cola, alcohol,


\noindent \textbf{Sugar} produces acidification in the body, because the stomach
immediately starts to produce gastric acid.


\noindent \textbf{Wine-vinegar and wine} are to sour. White wine contains
tartaric acid and red wine contains tannic acid.


\noindent \textbf{E 621} Mononatrium glutamate, natrium glutamate, accent,
glutamate, in Germany: monosodium glutamate, MSG, in the Indonesian shop: ve-tsin.
Was originally produced from pork. Nowadays by fermentation of sugars. The general
believe is that 2 g daily is safe. However some Chinese restaurants use 10 g per
meal!!! In baby food E 621 is already forbidden since 1970.


\noindent \textbf{E 621 is used in}: snacks, spicy sauces, frozen dinners, soup in cans
or powdered, potato chips, spices, maggitables, maggi etc. Every supermarket has
many varieties of potato chips, very often one of them does not contain E 621.
Other flavour enhancers are: E 620-E 637(see below).


\noindent \textbf{Cola} contains phosphoric acid, \textbf{E 338}. It is prepared
syntheticely from phosphatic ores. A surplus of phosphates can lead to a deficiency
of calcium. This in turn can lead to decalcification of the skeleton and
a decrease of the muscular activity. More research on the consequences
of a surplus on phosphates is necessary.


\noindent \textbf{Phosphoric acid is used in}: cola, meat products, ham, sausage
and cheese.


\noindent For people suffering from affections in the joints or muscles
it is \textbf{strongly advised to eat products containing the following E-numbers}.


\noindent E 620 L-glutamic acid.\\
\noindent E 621 Mononatrium glutamate.\\
\noindent E 622 Kalium glutamate.\\
\noindent E 623 Calcium glutamate.\\
\noindent E 626 Guanylic acid.\\
\noindent E 627 Natrium guanylate.\\
\noindent E 628 Kalium guanylate.\\
\noindent E 629 Calcium guanylate.\\
\noindent E 630 Inosinic acid.\\
\noindent E 631 Natrium inosinate.\\
\noindent E 632 Kalium inosinate.\\
\noindent E 635 Natrium 5'ribonucleotides.


\noindent These are all flavour enhancers. The one who is used most is
natrium glutamate E621 (see above). Also used much is phosphoric acid
E 338 (see above).

\section{More E-numbers: the blessings of the modern food industry!!}

\textbf{E 100-E 180}. Colourings. They are used in various kind
of foods, for example in dried fruits, tinned vegetables,
ready-made food, snacks, desserts, jam etc. The most of these are superfluous
and are advised against.


\noindent Some of these colourings.


\noindent \textbf{E 101 Riboflavin} (vit. B2). Occurs naturally in much greens
and barley and hence in beer. The colour is yellow to orange. Is referred
to as not dangerous.


\noindent \textbf{E 101a Lactoflavin-5'-phosphate}. This is riboflavin which
is treated synthetically with phosphor. The phosphates have a strong
acidificating effect in the body.


\noindent \textbf{E 102 Tartrazine}. Synthetic azo-colouring with the \textbf{most
side-effects}. Yellow colouring. It is bad for: hyper-active children,
asthmatic patients, people who suffer from nettle rash or rheumatism.
Other disadvantageous side-effects are: itching, inflammation and
non-clear vision.


\noindent \textbf{E 107 Yellow 2G}. The EG is considering to prohibit this


\noindent \textbf{E 120 Cocheneal (carminic acid)} Can give allergic reactions:
heart palpitation, hyperventilation.


\noindent \textbf{E 124 Cocheneal red A (Ponceau 4R)}.
Prepared synthetically. Can cause severe reactions to people
who are over-sensitive: gastric complaints, vomiting, accumulation of liquid
and nettle rash.\\
\noindent \textbf{E 124 is used in}: sauces, currant-bread, red jam, pink pills
and the red stripes in tooth-paste. More often E 124 is replaced by E 127.


\noindent \textbf{E 127 Erythrosine}. Pink to red colouring. Is very bad for the
thyroid gland.


\noindent \textbf{E 142 Greens S}. To some people it causes
over-sensitiveness reactions which give utterance to eczema.\\
\noindent \textbf{E 142 is used in}: bread-crumbs, tinned vegetables, cakemix etc.
even in Panadol!!!!


\noindent \textbf{E 160b Bixin, Norbixin, Annatto}.\\
\noindent Yellow, like a peach colouring which is used on large scale in the
dairy industry. Cases of over-sensitiveness are known.\\
\noindent \textbf{E 160b is used in}: margerine, cheese, butter, sauce for French
fries, yoghurt "with fruits".


\noindent Much of these colourings are prohibited in the USA, Norway,
Sweden and Japan and they are right!!

{ }&\textbf{USE}&\textbf{USE}\\
{ }&\textbf{Sweets}&{ }\\
ice with sugar&ice with fructose&home-made iced-lollies\\
{ }&{ }&from apple juice(thick)\\
pastry& { }&sugar free whole-\\
{ } & { } &meal cookies\\
chocolate(also light) & { }&sugar free m\"ussli bars\\
all candy with sugar & { } & { }\\
and colourings & { } & { }\\
{ } &\textbf{Greens and fruit} & { }\\
canned food & tomatoes(cooked) & potatoes\\
grapes, grape juice& citrus fruit & all kind of\\
raisins, sulphured & { } &vegetables, fresh, dried\\
currants, dried & { } & deep-frozen, cooked,\\
fruits & { } & uncooked.\\
wine-sauerkraut & { } & bio-sauerkraut\\
{ } &{ } & fruit, fresh, dried or\\
{ } & { }& deep-frozen.\\
{ } & \textbf{Herbs} & { }\\
spiced mustard & mild mustard & reform mayonaise with\\
mayonaise, salad dressing & pepper & fruits or apple-\\
{ } & { } & vinegar\\
sambal & { } & laurel, clove, juniper berry,\\
E 620- E635 & { } & etc.\\
spiced paprika & mild paprika & vegetarian\\
{ }& { }& "beef"-cubes.\\
{ } & { }&fresh cut garden herbs\\
wine-vinegar & { }& apple-vinegar, suerkraut juice\\
{ } & \textbf{Fats} & { }\\
bacon & butter, magarine & olive-oil for\\
butter and oil & { } & salades\\
with E 160b & { } & { }\\
{ } & { }&bio-soya oil for frying\\
{ } &{ }& or deep-frying.

\begin{tabular}{ccc}\textbf{FORBIDDEN}&\textbf{LIMITED} &\textbf{UNLIMITED}\\
{ } &\textbf{USE} &\textbf{USE}\\
{ } & \textbf{Drinks} & { }\\
soft drinks(also light)& orange juice & apple juice\\
cola(phosphoric acid) & { } & mineral water\\
coffee & caffeine-free & tea\\
{ }& coffee & herb tea\\
alcohol & { } & { }\\
wine & { } & { } \\
grape juice & { } & { }\\
tea with flavours & { } & { } \\
{ } & \textbf{Animal proteins} & { } \\
pork & 2x \`a week: & soya "meat"\\
liver & or chicken or fish & vegetable burgers\\
kidneys & 3 eggs a week & vegetarian hamburgers\\
{ } & { } & pulse\\
cheese with E 160b & cheese & goat cheese, feta\\
{ } & milk & buttermilk\\
{ } & { }& yoghurt\\
{ } & \textbf{Grain products} & { } \\
white bread & { } & kn\"ackebr\"od\\
{ } & { } & wholemeal bread\\
{ } & { } & black bread\\
cookies & { } & biscuits with malt syrup\\
{ } & { }& wholemeal piece of toast\\
rice(white) & { } & unpolished rice\\
flour & cornstarch & wheaten flour\\
spaghetti and macaroni & { } & wholemeal spaghetti\\
{ } & { }& and macaroni\\
{ } & \textbf{Sandwich fillings} & { }\\
jam+syrup with sugar& { } & jam+syrup without sugar\\
and some E-numbers &{ }&{ }\\
meat and sausage& mild cheese & { }\\
{ } & { }& without vinegar or sugar\\
{ } & cocos bread & { }\\
{ } & peanut butter & vegetarian sausage

{ } & \textbf{USE} &\textbf{USE}\\
{ } &\textbf{Sweetenings} & { } \\
sugar & fructose & apple juice(thick)\\
sorbital, isomalt & max. 10 pills natrena & { }\\
aspartaam and other & daily& { }\\
artificial sweetenings & honey without addition & corn malt syrup\\
cause intestinal gas & { } & barley malt syrup

\section*{Some ideas for a healthy diet}

Start every day with a piece of fruit, for example an apple, orange, banana:
every type of fruit is good. Then brown bread or black bread with sugar-free jam,
or syrup, or goat cheese. In case you prefer normal cheese be careful that it is
a cheese without colouring. Drink to it some (herb)tea or caffeine-free
\noindent Second possibility: m\"ussli. Add one or two table spoons
oatmeal in a small dish. Pour yoghurt on it and let it rest for a while; the
oatmeal will become soft. Then add: some minced almonds, hazelnuts or
grinded cocos. Sweeten it with a dash apple juice(thick). Variation:
add a table spoon of currants and let it soften.


\noindent In the afternoon: as entr\'ee raw vegetables. Put on a plate some
slices cucumber, pieces tomato, some lettuce, a table spoon (bio) sauerkraut,
grated carrots etc. If necessary some cubes of feta. In case you like a sauce,
make it yourself from lemon juice, olive-oil, pepper, salt, fresh or
dried herbs.\\
\noindent Afterwards wholemeal spaghetti, unpolished rice, potatoes.
Cooked vegetables at choice. To provide in the need for proteins: tofu, a cooked or
baken egg, mushrooms, 1 times a week chicken and 1 times a week fish.
Also a good source of proteins is pulse for example peas, white and brown
\noindent Dessert: a dish of suger-free apple sauce, rice-milk with
currants, yoghurt with fruit or oatmeal porridge sweeted with apple juice(thick).


\noindent Snacks: fruit or carrots or kn\"ackebr\"od. Potato chips without
flavourings, a slice of m\"ussli bread. In the evening herb tea or
apple juice mixed with mineral water.
