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G.M.F.W. Newsletters

The G.M.F.W. Newsletter appears at an irregular basis once or twice a year, and is meant to keep the research community informed of each others activities. More details about the goals of the GMFW may be found in the rules (Dutch) of the association. If you want to contribute to the newsletter, you can send an e-mail message to gmfw@sci.kun.nl. Other remarks or contributions might be send to one of the members of the board (see: Board). If you subscribe as a member of G.M.F.W. you will automatically be notified if a new newsletter appears. Only members living in the Netherlands or Belgium receive a paper version. Only the numbered items have actually been sent to the members. Non-numbered items appeared at this page earlier, and were usually included in the mailings (as you may find indicated). The Newsletters are available at this site since 1998. Unfortunately there is no seperate english version.
