On October 25, 2024, the next meeting of the Belgian-Dutch Algebraic Geometry seminar will be held at the University of Antwerp. More details will be announced later.
Programme (click a title to show/hide the abstract) |
13:15-14:15 | Marco Robalo (Jussieu) | TBA
Abstract: TBA
14:45-15:45 | Jan-Hendrik Bruinier (Darmstadt) | TBA
Abstract: TBA
16:15-17:15 | Fatemeh Rezaee (Cambridge) | TBA
Abstract: TBA
April 26, 2024, at Utrecht University |
Soumya Sankar (Utrecht) | On the rationality of conic bundle threefolds | |
Dimitri Wyss (EPFL) | Non-archimedean integration on quotients | |
Jef Laga (Cambridge) | Ceresa cycles of Picard curves | |
October 27, 2023, at Leiden University |
Rahul Pandharipande (ETH Zürich) | Abelian varieties, curves, and the Hilbert scheme of points of the plane. (See here for detailed notes.) | |
Farbod Shokrieh (Univ. of Washington) | Arakelov invariants and non-archimedean geometry | |
Yajnaseni Dutta (Leiden University) | Birational self-maps on Hyperkähler (HK) manifolds | |
March 24, 2023, at Radboud University Nijmegen |
Alexander Petrov (Harvard and MPI Bonn) | Decomposability of the de Rham complex in positive characteristic | |
Sabrina Pauli (Duisburg-Essen)) | Counting curves over an arbitrary field using tropical geometry | |
Emanuele Macrì (Orsay) | Hyper-Kähler manifolds and Lagrangian fibrations | |
December 9, 2022, at the University of Amsterdam |
Piotr Achinger (IMPAN) | The Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for rigid spaces | |
Laura Pertusi (Milan) | Moduli spaces of stable objects in Enriques categories | |
Dustin Clausen (Copenhagen) | Algebraic geometry from the solid perspective | |
September 30, 2022, at the KU Leuven |
Javier de Bobadilla (BCAM) | Monodromy at radius zero and equimultiplicity of families with constant Milnor number | |
Valentijn Karemaker (Utrecht) | The Gauss problem for central leaves | |
Gebhard Martin (Bonn) | On the non-degeneracy of Enriques surfaces | |
November 8, 2019, at the University of Antwerp |
Lie Fu (Lyon and Nijmegen) | Orbifold products on motivic cohomology and hyper-Kaehler resolution conjectures | |
Špela Špenko (UL Bruxelles) | Perverse schobers in geometric invariant theory | |
Stefan Kebekus (Freiburg) | Extension Theorems for differential forms and applications | |
June 21, 2019, at the University of Amsterdam |
Diletta Martinelli (Edinburgh) | On the geometry of contractions of the Moduli Space of sheaves of a K3 surface | |
Zsolt Patakfalvi (EPFL) | On the Beauville-Bogomolov decomposition in positive characteristic | |
Yichao Tian (Strasbourg) | Geometry of unitary Shimura varieties at non-quasi-split primes and arithmetic applications | |
February 1, 2019, at Utrecht University |
Dan Petersen (Stockholm University) | Tautological classes with twisted coefficients | |
Donatella Iacono (Università di Bari) | DG-Lie algebras and deformation of pairs | |
Georg Oberdieck (University of Bonn) | Quantum cohomology of the Hilbert scheme of pairs | |
September 20 and 21, 2018 at Radboud University Nijmegen |
Ching-Li Chai (UPenn) | Sustained p-divisible groups and the foliation on moduli spaces of abelian varieties |
Jörg Wildeshaus (Paris 13) | Weights and conservativity | |
Kestutis Cesnavicius (CNRS/Paris-Sud) | Purity for the Brauer group | |
Claire Voisin (Collège de France) | Gonality and zero-cycles of abelian varieties | |
Victoria Hoskins (FU Berlin) | On the motive of the stack of vector bundles on a curve | |
Richard Thomas (Imperial College) | Refined Vafa-Witten invariants for projective surfaces | |
Piotr Achinger (IMPAN, Warsaw) | Serre-Tate theory for Calabi-Yau varieties | |
June 8, 2018 at the KU Leuven |
Arend Bayer (Edinburgh) | Families of Hyperkaehler varieties via families of stability conditions | |
Christian Liedtke (Technische Universität München) | A Néron-Ogg-Shafarevich criterion for K3 Surfaces | |
José Burgos Gil (ICMAT, Madrid) | Grothendieck's period conjecture and zeta values | |
March 23, 2018 at Leiden University |
Videos of the lectures are available via youtube. | ||
Florian Ivorra (FRIAS, Freiburg) | Quasi-unipotent motives | |
Peter Jossen (ETH Zürich) | Galois groups and Motivic Fundamental groups | |
Lionel Darondeau (KU Leuven) | Jet differentials and hyperbolicity | |
December 15, 2017 at Radboud University Nijmegen |
Johannes Nicaise (Imperial College and Leuven) | Specialization of (stable) rationality in families with mild singularities | |
Javier Fresán (École Polytechnique) | Exponential motives | |
Michael Groechenig (FU Berlin) | p-adic integration for the Hitchin system | |
December 9, 2016 at the University of Amsterdam |
June Huh (Princeton) | Enumeration of points, lines, planes, etc. | |
Dieter Kotschick (München) and Stefan Schreieder (Bonn) | The Hodge ring of Kähler manifolds | |
Bhargav Bhatt (Ann Arbor) | Derived splinters in mixed characteristic | |
April 22, 2016 at KU Leuven |
Sho Tanimoto (Copenhagen) | Towards a refinement of Manin's conjecture | |
John Christian Ottem (Oslo) | Effective cones of cycles on blow-ups of projective space | |
Bruno Chiarellotto (Padova) | Monodromy action and special fiber for semistable schemes over a DVR | |
December 11, 2015 at Leiden University |
David Holmes (Leiden) | Models of degenerating jacobians | |
Clément Dupont (MPIM Bonn) | Motives of bi-arrangements | |
Misha Verbitsky (ULB, Bruxelles) | Transcendental Hodge algebra | |
June 11 and 12, 2015 in Nijmegen, joint with NoGAGS |
Daniel Greb (Duisburg-Essen) | Movable curves and semistable sheaves | |
Klaus Künnemann (Regensburg) | A tropical approach to non-archimedean Arakelov geometry | |
Kevin Buzzard (Imperial College) | Pre-adic spaces and adic spaces | |
Tim Dokchitser (Bristol) | Local arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves | |
David Rydh (KTH Stockholm) | The local structure of Artin stacks | |
Lars Kindler (FU Berlin) | Ramification theory for D-modules in positive characteristic | |
Christian Lehn (Hannover) | Rational curves on singular cubic fourfolds | |
Ulf Kühn (Hamburg) | A geometric approach to constructing elements of K2 of curves | |
November 14, 2014 at the University of Amsterdam |
Minhyong Kim (Oxford) | Non-abelian reciprocity laws and Diophantine geometry | |
Mingmin Shen (UvA) | Multiplicative Chow-Künneth decompositions | |
Jakob Stix (Frankfurt) | Gorenstein orders and abelian varieties over finite fields | |
May 16, 2014 in Leuven |
Olivier Benoist (Strasbourg) | Complete families of smooth space curves | |
Frank-Olaf Schreyer (Saarbrücken) | Matrix factorizations and families of curves of genus 15 | |
Carel Faber (Utrecht) | On the cohomology of the moduli spaces of pointed curves of genus three | |
November 22, 2013 in Nijmegen |
Nero Budur (Leuven) | Cohomology jump loci | |
Stefan Schröer (Düsseldorf) | Wild quotient surface singularities | |
René Schoof (Rome) | Finite group schemes and abelian varieties with good reduction outside one prime | |
June 14, 2013 in Leiden |
Walter Gubler (Regensburg) | Normal toric varieties over valuation rings of rank 1 | |
Gaël Rémond (Bordeaux) | Isogenies and polarizations | |
Jean-Benoît Bost (Orsay) | Pluripotential theory, heights, and algebraization on arithmetic threefolds | |
José Ignacio Burgos Gil (ICMAT Madrid) | The singularities of the invariant metric of the sheaf of Jacobi forms on the universal elliptic curve | |
April 19, 2013 in Leuven |
Alejandro Soto (Regensburg) | Toric Varieties over a Valuation Ring | |
Sébastien Boucksom (Jussieu) | A uniform version of Izumi's theorem | |
Ariyan Javanpeykar (Leiden) | Bounds for Arakelov invariants - algorithmic and Diophantine applications | |
December 7, 2012 at the UvA |
Andrei Caldararu (Wisconsin) | Derived intersections | |
Eduard Looijenga (Utrecht) | Cohomological dimension of moduli spaces of curves | |
Daniel Huybrechts (Bonn) | Cycles on K3 surfaces | |
June 15, 2012 in Leuven |
Ted Chinburg (UPenn) | Small generators for S-arithmetic groups | |
Matthieu Romagny (Jussieu) | Models of groups schemes of roots of unity | |
Mircea Mustaţă (Michigan) | Adjoint line bundles in positive characteristic |