Short CV


  • 01/2013: Habilitation in Mathematics at the University of Bonn

  • 2003-2006: PhD-student in Münster and Bonn, 06/2006 PhD in Bonn (supervised by S. Schwede)

  • 1998-2003: Studies of mathematics in Bielefeld, 03/2003 Diploma (supervised by F. Waldhausen)

Employment after PhD

  • since 09/2023: Universitair hoofddocent (associate professor) at Radboud University Nijmegen

  • 11/2015-08/2023: Universitair docent (assistant professor) at Radboud University Nijmegen (tenured 03/2019)

  • 04/2014-03/2015: Visiting professor at the University of Wuppertal

  • 10/2009-10/2015: Scientific assistant at the University of Bonn (on leave 04/2014-03/2015)

  • 09/2008-09/2009: Postdoc at the University of Münster

  • 09/2006-08/2008: Postdoc at the University of Oslo

PhD Supervison

Bachelor and Master Supervison

  • 12 Master and Diploma thesis projects in Nijmegen and Bonn (about topics in Algebraic Topology)

  • 25 completed and 2 ongoing Bachelor thesis projects in Nijmegen and Bonn (about topics in Algebra, Category Theory, Game Theory, and Topology)

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