Bernd Souvignier
Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics
of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science
Radboud University Nijmegen
Postbus 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen (post adress)
Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ
(visitor's adress)
The Netherlands
office: HG03.739 in the
(see the campus map)
of the β-faculty
tel: +31-24-365 3225
Deze pagina in het
In the autumn-semester of the academic year 2020/2021 I have taught the
- Linear Algebra A for first year students mathematics and physics;
- Operations Research for second/third year students mathematics;
and in the spring semester 2021 I am teaching:
- Combinatorial Group Theory for second/third year students mathematics;
- Complex Functions for second year students physics.
More information on this and on my teaching activities from previous years
can be found on my
page (in Dutch).
My principal research interests lie in algorithmic group theory and
representation theory.
An application hereof lies in mathematical crystallography,
where I'm a consultant of the IUCr Commission on
Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography
(after being a member from 2005-2014).
On Friday, February 23rd 2007, a
DIAMANT Intercity Seminar on Crystallography took place
in HG00.068 of the Huygens-building at the Radboud University Nijmegen.
See the list of
for an overview of my research topics.
More generally, I am working on various aspects of computer algebra.
In the year 1996/97, I have been working with the Magma group at
the Univeristy of Sydney, contributing mainly to the packages on
groups, representations, lattices and local fields.
Depending on the specific tasks, I usually use the
computer algebra packages.
Outside pure mathematics, I have been working on
automatic speech recognition at the Philips research labs in
Aachen (Germany) from 1998-2000
(see my
page for some papers from that period).
Other tasks
Program coordinator
From 1 september 2011 onwards I have been program coordinator for both the
bachelor and master programmes in mathematics at Radboud University.
Since 1 september 2016 the coordination of the master program has been taken
over by a separate programme coordinator and my responsibility focused
on the bachelor program.
As of 1 september 2018 I have retired from the function of program coordinator.
Onderdeelcommissie FNWI
From 2003 to 2009, I represented the mathematics group in the
onderdeelcommissie (OC) of the faculty.
The OC (together with student representatives and the faculty management)
forms part of the
Facultaire Gezamenlijke Vergadering (FGV)
and is part of the workers' participation at the RU.
More information (in Dutch) on the OC can be found