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In Nijmegen I gave (or will give) the following courses:

2011/12 Discrete wiskunde 1
Discrete wiskunde 2
2012/13 Lie groups
Discrete wiskunde 1
Discrete wiskunde 2
2013/14 Discrete wiskunde 1
Discrete wiskunde 2
Representaties van eindige groepen
2014/15 Galoistheorie
Masterseminar Mathematics
Ringen en lichamen 1
Ringen en lichamen 2
Introduction to the Langlands program
2015/16 Ringen en lichamen
Masterseminar Mathematics
2016/17 Masterseminar Mathematics
Groepentheorie 1
Groepentheorie 2
2017/18 Mathematics 1a for AI
2018/19 Mathematics 1a for AI
2019/20 Inleiding meetkunde
2020/21 Lie groups
2021/22 Lie groups
2022/23 Linear algebra for science
Lie groups
2023/24 Lie groups
Krommmen en oppervlakken

See the study guide for more info.

Former PhD students:
  • Yongqi Feng (UvA, promotor Eric Opdam) defended his PhD Thesis
    "On cuspidal unipotent representations" in 2015

  • Julius Witte (RU, promotor Gert Heckman) defended his PhD Thesis
    "Characters of representations of reductive p-adic groups" in 2017

  • Peter Badea (RU, promotor Gert Heckman) defended his PhD thesis "Hecke Algebras
    for Types of Quasisplit Unitary Groups over Local Fields in the Principal Series" in 2020

Supervised master students:
2021 Bram Bekker Rational points of the scheme of Borel subgroups
2023 Timo Poos Monomial resolutions

The following students wrote their bachelor thesis under my guidance:

2012 Erica Kemperman p-Adische getallen en Hensels lemma
2013 Laura van den Berge De Jordan-normaalvorm van een oneindig dimensionale matrix
2014 Marin Verheugt De boom op roosters in Qp2
Joeri Christiaans Matchings met twee families van deelverzamelingen
Bart van Gerwen Oneindige Galoistheorie
2015 Frans Stevens Projectieve Desargues-vlakken
2016 Paulien Schets Cocommutative Hopf algebras
Simone Clarisse Eindige groepen van Lie type
Rens Peters Bruhat-Tits vaste punt stelling
2017 Abel Vleeshouwers The Crossed Product and the Extended Quotients
Mees van Osch Combinatorial Game Theory in Chess
Frank van Hoof Brauergroepen
2018 Bart Stroucken Discrete, cocompacte ondergroepen van SL2(Qp)
Bram Bekker De lokale Langlandscorrespondentie - geadjungeerde gamma-factoren
Arjo Buijtenweg Pro-eindige topologische groepen
2019 Loes Kortenoever Generalisatie van een stelling van Isaacs
2021 Kiki van de Bercken Aanbevelingssystemen
Roy Hendricks Aanbevelingssystemen
Bram Balkema Bornologie en groepsacties
2022 Sjoerd Jansen Small subgroups of p-adic Lie groups
Max Hofman Quintic equations: simplifying with Tschirnhaus transformations and their relation to the Weierstrass elliptic functions
2023 Matthijs Buise On topological groups and local fields
Piotr Stefánski The fundamental group of a Lie group