Information on the Membership list
Image from the Mathematische Vermaecklyckheden (1644) by the Nijmegen mathematician Wynant van Westen: this picture belongs to the "amazing puzzle" of knowing the heigth of a tree without climbing or calculating.

Members are listed in the G.M.F.W. membership list only if they indicated they wanted to be mentioned on the list in their subscription form. If they opted otherwise they're not mentioned in the list. If you think anything is wrong in your data, or if you are not mentioned in this list and would like to be, please let us know by means of the subscription or modification form, or by an e-mail message.
Listed are (in alphabetical order) all the members that wanted to be mentioned with their home-adress (if registered) on the line below. If appropriate, the adress of the institute they are working is printed, and finally their e-mail adress and home-page. The home-page is made clickable. There is also a list available with all the institutes which are in some way connected to the G.M.F.W. and the contact-person for G.M.F.W. at the institute. If you think your institute should be mentioned in our list, please don't hesitate to contact us. By means of an electronic message sent us: the name and adress of the institute, the name of the contact, and if available his e-mail adress and the adress of the internet-site of your institute. We will see to it that your institute will be mentioned in our list as soon as possible.
More information on the registration of our members may be read in the introduction to our application form. At the opening of this page, all the registered members was sent an information leaflet (in Dutch) about the ins and outs of the membership registration.
