Curriculum Vitae of Arno van den Essen
Born December 14, 1951, Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
Married with Sandra Machado; one daughter, Raïssa.
Scientific education
- 1969-1973
Studied mathematics at the University of Nijmegen.
Masters degree 1973 (Cum Laude).
Specialization: Algebraic Number Theory
- 1974
- University of Leiden (supervisor: Prof. R. Tijdeman).
- 1975-1979
- University of Nijmegen (supervisor: Prof. A. Levelt).
- 1979
Ph.D. University of Nijmegen: Thesis “Fuchsian Modules” (supervisor: Prof. A. Levelt, Prof. J.-E. Björk).
- 1979-1980
University of Stockholm (Sweden), where I worked on a stipendium from the Dutch organization for Pure Scientific Research (Z.W.O.) under the supervision of Prof. J.-E. Björk.
- 1980-1982
- University of Nijmegen (Z.W.O.-stipendium).
- 1983
- University of Utrecht (Prof. T.A. Springer).
- 1984-today
- Since 1984 I have a position at the University of Nijmegen
Positions held
- In December 1985 I was visiting associate Professor at the University Paris VI.
- From December 1988 - June 1989 I was visiting associate Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle.
- In the month May 1993 I was visiting Professor at the University of Reims, France.
- From January 1998-August 1998 I was visiting Professor at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain.
- The month August 1998 I was guest of the Max-Planck Institut at Bonn, Germany.
- The first two weeks of September 1998 I was guest of the CRM(Centre de recerca Matematica), Bellaterra, Spain.
- The period Februari-March 2003 I was one month visiting professor at the University of Manitoba, Canada.
- The period April-May 2003 I was two weeks visiting professor at the University of Torun, Poland.
- The period April-May 2004 I was one month visiting Professor of the Washington University, St. Louis, U.S.A.
Invited speaker on international conferences
- 1979
- The international Colloquium at Les Houches on Complex Analysis, Microlocal Calculus and Relativistic Quantum Theory.
- 1984
- Herbstschule Algebraische und geometrische Theorie überstimmter Systeme von linearen partiellen Differentialoperatoren, Hamburg.
- 1985
- Contact Franco-Belge en Algèbre, University of Antwerpen.
- 1985
- Algebraic theory of systems of partial differential equations, Oberwolfach.
- 1988
- Conference Filtered rings, Antwerpen, June 27-30.
- 1988
- Conference International sur l'étude micro-local des systems d'équations differentielles partielles, Paris.
- 1989
- Microprogram on noncommutative rings, July 10-21, Berkeley.
- 1990
- The international conference on D-modules and Microlocal geometry, October 29 - November 2, Lisboa, Portugal.
- 1993
- Recent results on the global asymptotic stability Jacobian conjecture, September 14-17, Trento, Italy.
- 1993
- International Workshop on affine algebraic geometry, December 8-14, Technion, Haifa, Israel.
- 1995
- Septiemes rencontres du contact Franco-Belge en Algèbre, Reims, France.
- 1996
- Colloque International sur l'oeuvre de Cheikh Anta Diop, Februari 26 - March 2, Dakar, Senegal.
- 1997
- A conference honoring the mathematical work of Gary H. Meisters, May 9-10, Lincoln, USA.
- 1997
- International workshop Global invertibility of polynomial functions, September 1-2, Turin, Italy.
- 1998
- Invited lecturer (5 lectures given) of the Advanced Course on Dynamical Systems, September 1-10, Bellaterra, Spain.
- 1999
- International Conference on Computational and Combinatorial Algebra, May 24-29, University of Hong Kong.
- 1999
- Polynomial Automorphisms and Related Topics, July 6-11, Cracow, Poland.
- 2000
- Conference on Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry, and its Applications in honour of the 70th birthday of Shreeram Abhyankar, Purdue, July 20-26.
- 2000
- Los Encuentros de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones (EACA2000), Septembre 6-8, Barcelona.
- 2002
- Workshop on Group actions on rational varieties, February 27- March 3, Montreal.
- 2003
- First Joint Meeting RSME-AMS, Sevilla June 18-21.
- 2003
- Journée Tournesol, Reims, November 21.
- 2004
- International Conference Singularity Theory in honour of S. Lojasiewicz, Cracow, Poland, March 22-26.
- 2005
- Joint meeting of the AMS-DMV-OeMG, June 16-19, Mainz Germany.
- 2005
- Joint meeting of the AMS and TMS, December 12-18, Taichung, Taiwan.
- 2006
- Journées d'Algèbres de La Rochelle France, February 3-4.
- 2006
- International School Polynomial Automorphisms and related topics, October 9-13, Hanoi, Viernam (4 lectures).
- International Workshop Polynomial Automorphisms and related topics, October 16-20, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Invited lectures (other than on a conference)
- 1977
- The University of Strasbourg (invited by R. Gérard).
- 1978
- The University of Strasbourg (invited by R. Gérard).
- 1982
- The University of Stockholm (invited by J.-E. Björk).
- 1982
- L'Institute Henri Poincaré (Paris) (invited by M.P. Malliavin).
- 1983
- The University of Antwerpen (invited by F. van Oystaeyen).
- 1985
- The University of Paris VI (invited by M.P. Malliavin).
- 1986
- The University of Warwick (invited by S.P. Smith).
- 1986
- The University of Paris-Nord (invited by P. Schapira).
- 1986
- The University of Paris VI (invited by R. Rentschler).
- 1988
- The University of Paris VI (invited by R. Rentschler).
- 1988
- The University of Washington, Seattle (invited by R. Warfield).
- 1989
- The University of California at Los Angeles (invited by V.S. Varadarajan).
- 1989
- The University of Southern California (invited by Harris).
- 1989
- Oakland University, Rochester (invited by J. McKay).
- 1990
- The University of Miami (invited by E. Connell).
- 1991
- The University of Krakow, Poland (invited by L. Drużkowski).
- 1992
- L'Institute Henri Poincaré, Paris (invited by J. Alev).
- 1992
- Columbia University (invited by H. Bass).
- 1992
- Oakland University, Rochester (invited by J. McKay, S. Wang).
- 1992
- Wayne State University (invited by R. Brunner).
- 1992
- The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (invited by T. Stafford, C. Dean).
- 1992
- The University of Lincoln, NE (invited by G. Meisters).
- 1993
- The University of Paris VI (invited by J. Alev).
- 1993
- The University of Reims, France (invited by J. Alev).
- 1993
- The University of Poitiers, France (invited by J. Alev).
- 1994
- The University of Paris VI (invited by K. Adjamagbo).
- 1994
- The University of Rennes, France (invited by B. Edixhoven).
- 1995
- The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (invited by J. Yu).
- 1995
- The University of Barcelona, Spain (invited by A. Gasull).
- 1995
- The University of Toruń, Poland (invited by A. Nowicki).
- 1995
- The Jagelonian University, Krakow, Poland (invited by L. Drużkowski).
- 1996
- L'Institute Henri Poincaré, Paris, France (invited by J. Alev).
- 1996
- The University of Barcelona, Spain (invited by A. Gasull).
- 1997
- The University of Basel (invited by H. Kraft).
- 1997
- L'Institute Henri Poincaré, Paris, France (invited by K. Adjamagbo).
- 1997
- Oakland University, Rochester (invited by C. Cheng).
- 1997
- The University of Ottawa, Canada (invited by D. Daigle).
- 1998
- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (invited by A. Gasull).
- 2001
- The University of Toruń, Poland (invited by A. Nowicki).
- 2001
- The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria (invited by V. Drensky)
- 2001
- The University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
- 2001
- The University of Reims, France (invited by J. Alev).
- 2001
- Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, France (invited by J. Moulin-Ollagnier).
- 2001
- The University of Paris VI, France (invited by K. Adjamagbo).
- 2001
- The University of La Rochelle, France (invited by J.-Ph. Furter).
- 2001
- The University of Bordeaux, France (invited by P. Cassou-Nogues).
- 2003
- The University of Manitoba. Canada (invited by C. Gupta).
- 2003
- The University of Toruń, Poland (invited by A. Nowicki).
- 2004
- The Washington University at St. Louis, U.S.A. (invited by D. Wright).
- 2004
- Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife (invited by I. Bermejo).
- 2005
- The University of Seton Hall, U.S.A. (invited by S. Washburn).
- 2005
- The City University of New York (CUNY) (invited by V. Shpilrain).
Thesis prepared under my supervision
Masters thesis:
- H. Derksen, Locaal eindige derivaties en groepsacties, 1993.
- E. Hubbers, The Jacobian Conjecture, Cubic Homogeneous Maps in Dimension Four, 1994.
- T. Jansen, Kernels of Elementary Derivations, 1995.
- S. Maubach, Hilbert 14 and related subjects, 1998.
- J. Berson, Derivations on polynomial rings over a domain, 1999.
- J.W. Bikker, Adapting Coordinates, 2002.
- D. Holtackers, On kernels of w-homogeneous derivations, 2003.
- R. Willems, Graphs and the Jacobian Conjecture, 2005.
Ph.D. thesis:
- E. Hubbers, Nilpotent Jacobians (1998).
- P. van Rossum, Tackling Problems on Affine Space with Locally Nilpotent Derivations on Polynomial Rings (2001).
- S. Maubach, Polynomial Endomorphisms and Kernels of Derivations, (2003).
- J. Berson, Polynomial coordinates and their behavior in higher dimensions, 2004.
- M. de Bondt (in preparation).
Conferences organised
- 1992
- The International Conference on Polynomial Automorphisms and related topics, Luminy, France, October 12-16.
- 1994
- The International Conference on Invertible Polynomial Maps, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, July 4-9.
- 1997
- An International Symposium, Differential and difference equations and computer algebra, January 10, Nijmegen.
- 1997
- (with B. Deng) An International Conference in honour of Gary H. Meisters, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, U.S.A., May 9-10.
- 2005
- (with M. Kang) The session Affine Algebraic geometry at the joint meeting of the AMS-TMS, at Taichung, Taiwan, December 14-18.
- 2006
- (with D. Wright and N. Van Chau) International School and Workshop, Polynomial Automorphisms and Related Topics, October 9-20, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Outreach activities
- 1992-2002
I was initiator and organisor of a Mathematics Competition for highschool
students (Wiskunde Toernooi), which takes place each year in September at
the Radboud University Nijmegen.
- 1993
I organised a special MathDay for highschool students and teachers to celebrate
Wiles' announced solution of the Fermat Problem. Main speakers: Serge Lang and
Arthur Benjamin.
- 2002
I organised a special Math Day for a general audience at the occasion of the
movie/book \A beautiful mind" (after the book of Sylvia Nasar). Special speakers:
Sylvia Nasar, Stef Tijs, Henk van Tilborg.
- Since 1992
I gave many special lectures at the yearly \open dag" for highschool
students at the Radboud University.
I wrote various popular texts (in Dutch) for highschool students:
- Wiskundig Redeneren.
- Beroemde vermoedens in de Wiskunde.
- De Macht(en) van twee.
- Ringen en Magische Vierkanten.
- Het oplossen van veeltermvergelijkingen van willekeurige graad.
- 2006
I wrote a popular scientiffic book (in Dutch). Magische Vierkanten, Veen
Special activities
- 1993-1997
I was a member of the advisory board of the Dutch Carribean Mathematics
Seminar, which organised congresses in Curaçao, sponsored by the Carribean
Mathematical Foundation.
- I am advisor of the American and Canadian National Science Foundation.
I was in the jury of the following Ph.D. thesis (external referee).
- Université Paris 6, Pascal Adjamagbo, 1991.
- Universität Basel, Harm Derksen, 1996.
- Université Bordeaux I, Eric Edo, 2002.
- Université Paris 6, Sihem Hachchi-Mesnager, 2002.
I am referee for the following journals:
- Annals of Mathematics, Annal. Polon Math.
- Journal of Algebra
- J. of Pure and applied algebra
- Inventiones Math.
- Proc. of the AMS
- Linear Algebra and its applications
- J. of Symbolic Comp.
- Comm. in algebra
- Colloquium Math.
- Comp. Rendues Acad. Sci Paris.
- I am reviewer of Mathematical Reviews and member of the American Mathematical Society.
I have done research in:
- Number theory (1973-1974).
- Differential equations (1974-1975).
- D-modules (1975-1982).
- Filtered rings, Algebraic Microlocalization (1982-1987).
- Computer algebra, Polynomial Automorphisms (1987-…).
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