
Frans Keune

Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics
Faculty of Science
Radboud University
P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands (postal address)
Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands (visiting address)

e-mail: keune@math.ru.nl

Getallen (= Numbers)

For first year mathematics students of the Radboud University I gave a course on numbers. The lecture notes have a webversion. The notes are in dutch. You need a browser that supports XML/MathML: Firefox version 1.5 or later. An English translation, under the name "Elements of Higher Mathematics" has been submitted for publication.

Number Fields

Number Fields is based on courses Number Theory, Algebraic Number Theory and Class Field Theory. It covers the algebraic number theory up to and including the main theorems of class field theory. The book is published in 2023 by the Radboud University Press and is freely downloadable.

Corrections version 2023-1

Tuning Educational Structures in Europe

In 1999 in Bologna the ministers of education of 29 European countries agreed a common bachelor-master structure for higher education. In 2001-2002 I participated in the EU-project Tuning Educational Structures in Europe in which for seven subjects/disciplines a framework has been developed for the bachelor-master structure. In the project 101 universities participated. The math group formulated its ideas for a common framework in the document

Reference Points for the Design and Delivery of Degree Programmes in Mathematics

It is just the common vision of the members of the group and not an official document. On the other hand this project is the only project on this scale and it already had some influence on reforms in higher education in mathematics in several European countries. For more information on the project consult the website of the Tuning Academy.

Last update: August 28th, 2023