Hypergeometric and Orthogonal Polynomials Event

An international conference

Time: 1–3 May 2024 (Wednesday–Friday)

Place: Radboud University Nijmegen, Huygensgebouw, room HG 00.071

Orthogonal polynomials, in particular those that come as special cases of generalized hypergeometric functions, are a unique enterprise that unifies all areas of mathematics. We HOPE that discussing recent developments of the topic, with aspects meeting our personal (Nijmegen-infused) standards and tastes, will lead to its further advances.

Speakers include:
Gabriele Bogo
Dominik Brennecken
Ana Foulquié Moreno
Jacopo Gandini
Wolter Groenevelt
Max van Horssen
Tom Koornwinder
Christian Krattenthaler
Ana Loureiro
Andrei Martínez-Finkelshtein
Stein Meereboer
Maarten van Pruijssen
Pedro Ribeiro
Berend Ringeling
Pablo Román
Hjalmar Rosengren
Philip Schlösser
Jasper Stokman
Grzegorz Świderski
Walter Van Assche
Carel Wagenaar
Thomas Wolfs

Silent participants include:
Edward Berengoltz
Amílcar Branquinho
Juan E.F. Díaz
Enno Diekema
Dmitrii Karp
Erik Koelink (scientific advisor)
Stefan Kolb
Lukas Langen
Wadim Zudilin

In case you have questions about the meeting, please send an email with subject HOPE in May to local organisers m dot vanpruijssen at math dot ru dot nl and/or w dot zudilin at math dot ru dot nl.

A final programme with abstracts of talks is available here. A report from the meeting is downloadable from here.

HOPE photos can be found here and here.

Wednesday 1 May 2024, room HG 00.071
09:20–10:00 Christian Krattenthaler Uvarov's formula – a thorough discussion (slides)
10:10–10:30 Pedro Ribeiro Humbert functions and sums of squares (slides)
11:00–11:20 Max van Horssen Shift operators for nonsymmetric Jacobi polynomials of type BC1 and their norms (slides)
11:30–12:10 Tom Koornwinder Symmetric and nonsymmetric Askey–Wilson functions and symmetries of the Askey–Wilson DAHA (slides)
15:00–15:40 Andrei Martínez-Finkelshtein Zeros of hypergeometric polynomials and free probability (slides)
15:50–16:10 Berend Ringeling Zeta Mahler functions (slides)
16:40–17:20 Pablo Román Matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials, Fourier algebras and non-abelian Toda-type equations (slides)
Thursday 2 May 2024, room HG 00.071
09:20–09:40 Carel Wagenaar Markov dualities and orthogonal polynomials (notes)
09:45–10:05 Dominik Brennecken The Laplace transform, Riesz distributions and zeta distributions in the Dunkl setting (slides)
10:10–10:30 Philip Schlösser Intermediate Macdonald polynomials (notes)
11:00–11:20 Gabriele Bogo Supersingular abelian surfaces and orthogonal polynomials (slides)
11:30–12:10 Jacopo Gandini On the multiplication of spherical functions of reductive spherical pairs of type A (slides)
15:00–15:40 Grzegorz Świderski On some Jacobi matrices with a trace class resolvent
15:50–16:10 Stein Meereboer Relative Weyl group symmetries of quantum spherical functions
16:40–17:20 Ana Loureiro A journey through the generalised symmetric Freud weights (slides)
Problem session
HOPEn problems
Friday 3 May 2024, room HG 00.071
09:20–10:00 Hjalmar Rosengren Elliptic hypergeometric functions and the Ruijsenaars model (slides)
10:10–10:30 Wolter Groenevelt Multivariate Meixner polynomials (notes)
11:00–11:20 Thomas Wolfs Multiple orthogonal polynomials with hypergeometric moment generating functions (slides)
11:30–12:10 Ana Foulquié Moreno Type I classical multiple orthogonal polynomials (slides)
15:00–15:40 Jasper Stokman Quasi-polynomial analogs of Koornwinder polynomials (slides)
15:50–16:10 Maarten van Pruijssen Shift operators for a class of intermediate Jacobi polynomials of type BC2 (slides)
16:40–17:20 Walter Van Assche Hermite–Padé approximation to Catalan's constant (slides)

This event is sponsored by
NWO–Dutch Research Council NWO (project OCENW.KLEIN.006)
PWN–Platform Wiskunde Nederland PWN

Geometry and Quantum Theory cluster GQT
Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics RU

Last modified: 28 July 2024